Free Hearts Server
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How To Play
- To start a new game, press the Start new game button. You will start playing with three computer players. Human players can join your game at any time, replacing the computer players.
- To join a game in progress, select a game from the Select a game list, then press the Join game button.
This is a standard four-player hearts card game. The game is over when any player has 100 or more points.Frequently Asked Questions
- The game is slow or freezes. For example, when I try to play
a card by clicking on it, the card rises in my hand display but
doesn't get played, then I'm kicked out of the game after 60
seconds. Is there anything I can do about it?
Congestion on the Internet between your computer and the hearts server may impede your play from reaching the hearts server. If the hearts server doesn't receive your play within 60 seconds, it presumes the network connection is no good and kicks you out of the game. As an ordinary user, there's not much you can do about it. Even if you can pinpoint where the congestion is occurring, all you can do is complain to the administrator of that portion of the network.
- How do I kick out players from a game?
The player who starts a game is able to kick out other players. For the starting player, a Kick... button appears next to the Leave game button. Players who are kicked out cannot rejoin that game.
- Why can't I enter my name any more?
Sadly, a few idiots ruined things for everyone else by choosing racist names. The hearts game no longer allows users to choose their own name.
This game of hearts is always free. However, it does cost us time and money to host and support it. Any donations are gratefully accepted. To make a donation by PayPal please click below.Credits
- programmed the Hearts client and Hearts server software.
- The playing card images are from GNOME aisleriot.
- Thanks to Vybe Networks for hosting the Hearts server.